Tom's Homepage
Links About Me
- My LinkedIn profile
- My GitHub profile
- My blog
Django Digital Ocean Deployment Guide
- The guide that I used to setup my VPS with Django.
Tiny KVM
- The VPS that I use.
- The SQLite backup provider that I use.
BiteCode_dev HN Comment
- A cool way to setup a standalone Python full-stack webserver
Benchmarking SQLite in Django
- A post by Simon Willison on benchmarking SQLite in Django
Obey the testing goat!
- An excellent book on TDD in Django
Against service layers in Django
- Why service layers in Django are an anti-pattern and fat models are better
Django Markdown Tutorial
- Add Markdown to a Django website
Bullet Proofing Django Models
- This goes into depth on using transactions with your Django models. This blog also has other good content.
Django Model Behaviors
- Treat Django mixins like behaviors instead
You don't need to work on hard problems
- An interesting piece on the impact of working on more smaller problems than fewer difficult problems
The Grug Brained Developer
- Notes on keeping programming simple
One process programming notes
- Captures the ethos of keeping things simple and using SQLite with a single process in Go
Radical simplicity
- A classic on simplifying your software stack
An oral history of bank Python
- An interesting article on how banks use Python, including their backend task processing and queueing
Don't mock what you don't own
- Also, some interesting alternatives to mocking
Python libs that I wish were part of the standard library
- Some interesting Python libraries like diskcache
Homemade Vegetarian Chili
- A staple chili recipe that we use
- A minestrone recipe that we use. We usually leave the chicken out though.
- An easy stovetop popcorn recipe
Red lentil curry
- An easy curry that has become a staple for us
Veggie black bean enchiladas
- A great enchilada recipe
Enchilada sauce
- A recipe for enchilada sauce to go with the enchilada recipe
Are you playing to play, or playing to win?
- Make sure you're accomplishing the task at hand in the most efficient way